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Sweat Control With Brella™ SweatControl Patch™

4 Min Read:
dark-haired woman holds her arms up in a relaxed way over her head

Hyperhidrosis causes excessive sweating, which can detract from a person’s confidence and quality of life. Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive treatment for excessive sweating in the underarms. This blog details what Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ is, how it works, and frequently asked questions.

Don’t Let Sweat Get You Down—Try Brella™ SweatControl Patch™

Excessive sweating is more than frustrating—it can be so embarrassing that you avoid social activities or certain physical activities for fear of revealing your underarms. Until now, the only options for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) relief were invasive, painful, and expensive.

Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ is the only FDA-cleared sweat control patch clinically proven to reduce sweat production for three to four months, sometimes longer.

What Is Brella™ SweatControl Patch™?

If you want an easy, non-invasive treatment for hyperhidrosis in the underarms, Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ might be for you. This sweat control patch features a sodium sheet and an adhesive backing, which is applied to the underarms. Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ works by activating alkali thermolysis (TAT) to reduce sweat. When the sodium reacts with the water in sweat, it generates thermal energy, which targets sweat glands to reduce sweat production.

This in-office treatment takes no more than 20 minutes and provides sweat reduction for up to four months, sometimes longer for some patients. This non-invasive treatment is easy, painless, and convenient.

Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ Frequently Asked Questions

What happens during my Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ treatment?

Your aesthetic provider will begin by checking to make sure your underarms are clean of product and free of lesions or rashes. One patch is placed on one armpit, and your provider will activate it by massaging it into your skin for up to three minutes. You may feel a sensation of warmth or tingling; that’s just the sodium working on your sweat glands.

Once the treatment is over, your specialist will remove and dispose of the used patch. Your treated armpit will be wiped clean and dry. Then, a new patch will be placed on your other underarm, and the process will be repeated.

After receiving your Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ treatment, you’ll be free to go about your day with no restrictions.

Is Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ safe for all skin types?

Yes. Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ should work on all skin types and tones and is safe and comfortable. Most clinical study patients reported experiencing no adverse effects when they used Brella™ SweatControl Patch™.

Who is a candidate for Brella™ SweatControl Patch™?

Adults of all skin types who are bothered by excessive underarm sweating, even when at rest or at a comfortable temperature, may be candidates for Brella™ SweatControl Patch™.

However, Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ might not be right for younger patients, those with medical or health contraindications, or those with active skin irritants. Check with your provider to make sure Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ is right for you.

How can I prepare for my Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ treatment?

You’ll need to shave or clip your underarm hair about 48 hours before your appointment. Be sure to keep it around that timeframe, as the hair must be short enough that the patch can adhere to the skin. However, shaving right before your appointment might result in skin irritation, so be careful.

You should also wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing so your provider can easily access your underarms. If possible, most providers recommend not wearing deodorant prior to your appointment.

How will I feel after my appointment? When can I wear deodorant again?

It’s completely safe to resume normal activities immediately after your Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ appointment, although be aware if your underarms feel more sensitive or irritated. If that’s the case, wait until they return to normal before resuming your regular daily routine.

You’ll also be able to wear deodorant and shave your underarms after your procedure; there’s no need to wait.

Want to Learn More About Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ in El Paso, TX?

Say goodbye to excessive sweating and hello to dry, comfortable underarms. Call Southwest Plastic Surgery today at (915) 590-7900 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ consultation and regain your confidence.


Exploring the Use of Botulinum Toxin in Parkinson’s Contractures at Southwest Plastic Surgery’s MedSpa

3 Minute Read:

Man rubbing the bottom of his foot.

At Southwest Plastic Surgery’s MedSpa, we’re dedicated to delivering advanced and comprehensive treatments to address a wide variety of medical and aesthetic conditions. Lately, we’ve noted an uptick in patients with Parkinson’s disease experiencing various forms of contractures, such as curled toes, dropped head, and hand contractures. Although Parkinson’s disease is renowned for its impact on motor function, these lesser-known complications can also significantly affect a person’s quality of life. Fortunately, we’ve seen encouraging results treating these issues with botulinum toxin—commonly known by its brand name, Botox®.

Understanding Parkinson’s Contractures

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative neurological disorder that affects one in every 100 people over the age of 60. Its hallmark symptoms include tremors, stiffness, slowed movement, and balance issues. However, over time, some patients may also develop contractures.

Contractures are persistent, often painful muscle contractions that cause discomfort and distortion in various body parts. Among those most commonly affected in Parkinson’s patients are the toes, neck, and hands.

  1. Dystonic Toe Curling: The foot’s muscles undergo involuntary, repetitive contractions, resulting in abnormal postures like curled toes.
  2. Antecollis: Severe flexion of the neck leads to a condition known as antecollis, causing the chin to drop towards the chest.
  3. Hand Contractures: Some Parkinson’s patients find it difficult to straighten their fingers due to hand contractures, significantly interfering with daily tasks such as writing, buttoning clothing, or preparing meals.

While traditional treatment for Parkinson’s primarily focuses on increasing dopamine levels in the brain, this approach often neglects peripheral symptoms like contractures. That’s where botulinum toxin comes into play.

Botulinum Toxin: The Effective Treatment for Contractures

Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxic protein that, in controlled doses, can serve as a powerful therapeutic agent. It’s most recognized in medical and aesthetic fields for its ability to relax wrinkles by paralyzing the underlying muscles. However, this exact mechanism is employed to treat contractures in Parkinson’s disease.

When injected into a contracture, botulinum toxin blocks the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that triggers muscle contractions. This effectively relaxes the muscle, thus alleviating the contracture. This treatment significantly helps with the discomfort and inconvenience of curled toes, dropped head, and hand contractures caused by Parkinson’s, improving the patient’s mobility and quality of life.

The Botulinum Toxin Procedure

Administering botulinum toxin for contractures is a relatively quick and straightforward procedure. Our highly skilled practitioners use a fine needle to inject the medication directly into the problematic muscle. Any discomfort tends to be minimal and brief.

Following treatment, patients often notice an improvement in their symptoms within a few days, although it can take up to two weeks for the maximum effect. The benefits typically last three to four months, after which repeat injections are needed to maintain the results.

Is Botulinum Toxin the Right Option for You?

If you or a loved one are dealing with contractures like curled toes, dropped head, or hand contractures due to Parkinson’s disease, botulinum toxin could be an effective treatment option. However, as with any medical intervention, it’s essential to discuss potential benefits and risks with a qualified healthcare provider.

At Southwest Plastic Surgery’s MedSpa, our team of experts is ready to provide you with a comprehensive consultation and recommend the most suitable treatment plan for your needs. We believe in offering innovative solutions that not only address aesthetic concerns but also improve overall health and well-being.

Living with Parkinson’s disease can be challenging, but medical advances like the use of botulinum toxin offer hope. You don’t have to let contractures disrupt your daily life. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you live more comfortably and confidently.


Schedule a consultation with us today and see how labiaplasty can help you achieve the rejuvenation you’ve always wanted! If you have questions or want to learn more about how it can help you, please call Southwest Plastic Surgery at (915) 590-7900 or fill out our contact form online.


March Monthly Specials


Spring has arrived, and with it comes the opportunity to refresh your appearance and enhance your self-confidence! This April, MedSpa Southwest Plastic Surgery is delighted to present a selection of exceptional specials on our most sought-after treatments. Don’t miss out on these limited-time offers as you embrace the season of renewal with a rejuvenated, glowing look!


Achieve your body goals without going under the knife with our Evolve Tite, Tone, and Trim package. Utilizing advanced technology, Evolve targets stubborn fat deposits, tightens the skin, and tones muscles simultaneously. For just $900, transform one area of your choice and experience the remarkable results of Evolve. Say farewell to unwanted fat and welcome a beautifully sculpted, self-assured you!


Combat the signs of aging this spring with our Turn Back Time special, featuring the potent combination of SkinCeuticals and ZO Antioxidant products. Rich in antioxidants, these formulas shield your skin from environmental harm, diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and reveal a brighter, more youthful complexion. Pamper your skin with a 15% discount on these exceptional products and rediscover your radiant glow.


Discover the secret to a revitalized, lifted appearance without resorting to surgery. Our Rejuvenate & Lift special combines the power of Nova Threads, dermal fillers, and neurotoxins like Botox, Dysport, or Jeuveau for a natural, refreshed look. Nova Threads provide an instant lift, while fillers restore volume and smooth out wrinkles. Tox treatments relax facial muscles, further reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Enjoy a 20% discount and experience the wonders of a non-surgical facelift without the recovery time.


There’s no better moment to invest in your self-confidence and appearance than the season of renewal. MedSpa Southwest Plastic Surgery’s April specials provide an array of treatments designed to renew, rejuvenate, and lift your look at irresistible prices. Seize these limited-time offers – book your appointment today and step into spring with a stunning, revitalized appearance! Schedule a consultation with us today! If you have questions or want to learn more about how it can help you, please call Southwest Plastic Surgery at (915) 590-7900 or fill out our contact form online.

Need Help Paying for Plastic Surgery?

4 Minute Read: 

There’s something to be said for investing in yourself, and most of us do in one way or another. 

A pretty woman with a good body wears a bikini made of cash.

We may even get support from our peers for spending money to purchase the healthiest foods or fill our closets with expensive clothes that help us “dress for the job we want.” 

However, that’s not often the case when we want to change the appearance of our faces or bodies, even though it’s been proven that an appealing aesthetic can contribute to success. 

The truth is, when it comes to beauty, like most things, we have a dichotomy. 

When money isn’t an issue, looking great isn’t much of a problem, and when it is, having good credit can help. 

Saving Up for Plastic Surgery

Even if you plan to borrow, starting to save money specifically for your desired procedure can help bring your interest costs down. 

If you plan to use a zero-interest option, paying some of the cost upfront will reduce both the amount you owe and your risk of incurring higher interest rates or penalties for not paying off your debt within the zero-interest window.

If you have any credit challenges, you’ll want to save as much as possible because you may not qualify for a low or zero-interest interest finance option.

Before You Explore Your Credit Options

It’s a good idea to understand your readiness to undergo plastic surgery and how much time you have to prepare yourself. To be a candidate for plastic surgery, you must not smoke and be at a healthy, stable weight. 

If you need to get closer to your ideal weight or quit smoking to be eligible for plastic surgery, you can also use the time it takes accomplishing these goals to save money. If you smoke, you can commit funds you would have spent on continuing the habit toward your surgery or payments instead.

Using Credit Cards or a Personal Loan to Pay for Plastic Surgery

If you’re one of those people with zero-interest credit cards just waiting to be used or can easily qualify for one, double-check the fine print on repayment terms and retroactive interest rates or penalties. 

If you need more clarification, call the credit card provider and ask what your interest rate will be after the zero-interest promotional period ends, as this should be based on your credit rating.

Many of these cards offer introductory zero-interest for up to 21 months, but you’ll want to compare their terms with one of the following three medical-use credit cards also offering introductory zero-interest rates.

1. CareCredit® 

The CareCredit® card is a popular medical-use credit card with a limited-term, zero-interest option for a minimum purchase of $200. 

CareCredit® offers zero-interest rates for as long as two years but charges 26.99% or more retroactively if the balance is not paid within the specified term.

If you are not confident that you will be able to pay the entire balance by the end of the zero-interest period, CareCredit® also offers plans with rates from 14.90% to 17.90%.


ALPHAEON® is another card that offers a limited zero-interest term for purchases of $250 or more for six months and $500 or more for up to 24 months. 

If your balance is not paid by the end of the promotional term, you can expect a 28.99% APR to be imposed on your remaining balance and other penalties.

Like CareCredit®, ALPHAEON® offers low-interest terms of 14.99% for up to 48 months on a minimum purchase of $1,000 and up to 60 months when you spend at least $2,500.

3. PatientFi

PatientFi also offers both zero-interest and varied APR rates. They claim a higher approval rating with no hidden fees or compounding interest and provide this handy payment calculator. 

Applicants should have a credit score of at least 620 to apply with PatientFi or CareCredit® and a credit score of 640 and above to apply with ALPHAEON®.

Personal Loans for Plastic Surgery and Other Cosmetic Treatments

A good relationship with your credit union or bank may help you qualify for a low-interest personal loan, or you might consider these five financial institutions, which have been rated by Forbes magazine:

Avoid Using Less Experienced Cosmetic Surgeons

To help ensure safety and quality results, always choose a board-certified plastic surgeon and never base your decision on easy financing or discounts offered. 

You should have no problem finding a qualified surgeon who accepts medical-use credit cards

Southwest Plastic Surgery Financing in El Paso, TX

Southwest Plastic Surgery in El Paso is overseen by Dr. Frank Agullo, a reputable, board-certified plastic surgeon who accepts medical-use credit cards and most other forms of credit. 

His pay-as-you-go option allows you to pay down the cost of your procedure before it is performed. Our Southwest Plastic Surgery care coordinator can help you understand all your options.

Learn more about financing plastic surgery in El Paso, Texas, by calling Southwest Plastic Surgery at (915) 590-7900.

El Paso Consultation Options for Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Treatments

3 Minute Read: 

The consultation is an essential part of achieving a successful outcome with plastic surgery or cosmetic treatments. Since Covid ushered in the age of virtual meetings for almost any purpose, you might wonder if in-person consultations are still necessary for surgical or non-surgical cosmetic procedures

Woman sitting at a computer monitor.

The fact is that video and telephone appointments are becoming more common, but in-person consultations still have their advantages. 

On the other hand, there are benefits that are exclusive to virtual consultations. Dr. Agullo offers both types of consultations to his Southwest Plastic Surgery patients.

Virtual Consultations for Cosmetic Surgery and Treatments

Virtual plastic surgery and cosmetic treatment consultations offer convenience for many who find it difficult or impossible to meet in person in advance of their procedures.

These may include:

A virtual consultation provides an opportunity for the patient to discuss their cosmetic concerns with the doctor in the comfort of their home or office and learn what their best options are to achieve their goals. 

By requesting and receiving clear photographs of the area(s) to be addressed, along with a completed health questionnaire, the surgeon can assess the patient, make recommendations, and provide an accurate, inclusive cost estimate

If the patient wants to proceed, the practice will email preoperative instructions, take a deposit, and schedule the procedure pending test results.

This option makes it easy for busy people to get a clear understanding of what they can expect before, during, and after their cosmetic procedure so they can plan to use their valuable free time accordingly.

Virtual Consultations for Out-Of-Town Plastic Surgery Patients

Many individuals across the country don’t have ample access to qualified plastic surgeons in their areas and are wise to seek treatment out of town or in a different state completely.

While it may be convenient for anyone who desires surgical or non-surgical cosmetic treatment, a virtual consultation may be the only option for those traveling a significant distance to receive plastic surgery.

Traveling plastic surgery patients can receive their preoperative testing orders digitally or by mail and complete this testing in their home towns. Plastic surgery practices that cater to traveling clientele have dedicated staff to advise patients on scheduling their arriving and departing flights while helping them coordinate comfortable accommodations.

In-Person Consultations for Cosmetic ProceduresA man consults with a doctor at his office.

When possible, nothing beats an in-person consultation. This meeting provides the surgeon with a three-dimensional view of the patient for a comprehensive physical evaluation and a more personal experience for both parties. 

An in-person consultation also allows the patient to see the surgeon’s office or surgery center and experience its ambiance. 

Plastic Surgery Consultation Wait Times

Sometimes it takes longer to get an in-person or virtual consultation with the surgeon, so this is another aspect to consider.

If you have time constraints related to surgery and recovery periods, some providers may offer virtual or in-person consultations with a nurse practitioner or email consultations with the surgeon. 

A board-certified plastic surgeon will ensure these consultations review all available options and include an in-depth review of the patient’s medical history.

Your El Paso, TX Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Procedure Consultation Options

Dr. Frank Agullo is a reputable, board-certified plastic surgeon in El Paso, Texas, who offers the following consultation options:

Or for less wait time:

Dr. Agullo’s El Paso plastic surgery practice caters to patients traveling from out of town for their procedures. To schedule your consultation or learn more about our services, call (915) 590 7900.

Why NeoGraft® Can Be a Great Option for Your Hair Restoration

3 Minute Read: 

One of the most frustrating aesthetic issues that many men and women struggle with is hair loss. Whether your hair is starting to thin or balding in areas, you can feel self-conscious and even embarrassed about your appearance. 

Attractive man moving hands through full head of hair

And while there are many hair restoration treatments to combat thinning hair and baldness, Dr. Agullo is proud to offer NeoGraft® 2.0 at Southwest Plastic Surgery. This hair restoration treatment uses a revolutionary method of transplanting healthy hair follicles from one area of your scalp to another to give you the natural results you are looking for. 

Below, we’ll explore NeoGraft® 2.0 as well as other hair transplant methods to show you that a bald scalp doesn’t need to be your future. 

What Is the Difference Between NeoGraft® and Other Hair Restoration Treatments?

NeoGraft® 2.0 uses a process called FUE (follicular unit extraction) whereas other hair transplant procedures use FUT (follicular unit transplantation). 

Both forms of hair transplantation are achieved by moving healthy hair follicles from one area of the scalp to the balding area. However, the difference comes in the way that these follicles are harvested. 

For FUT, a strip of tissue is harvested (removed) from a healthy portion of your scalp (usually the back or side of your head. From this strip of tissue, individual hair follicles are extracted and then inserted in the balding area using tiny incisions. 

With NeoGraft® 2.0, no skin or tissue is removed during the harvesting of follicles, and no linear incision is required. Instead, individual hair follicles are removed from healthy areas of the scalp through a suction method. These follicles are then implanted into the balding areas with the NeoGraft® 2.0 handheld tool

NeoGraft® 2.0 is minimally invasive, requires no sutures, and delivers results that you can see and feel.

Which Hair Restoration Treatment Is Best?

While NeoGraft® 2.0 is an exceptional treatment option for men and women of all ages, and certainly less invasive, it is not necessarily better than other hair transplant methods

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) still offers stunning results, and both NeoGraft® 2.0 (FUE) and FUT treatments can be used on the head, beard, eyebrows, and sideburns to help give you the appearance you desire. 

In this sense, NeoGraft® 2.0 and other methods of hair transplantation are equal in what they can achieve. 

So, the question really isn’t which treatment is better than the other. Rather, the question is: Which treatment is best for you?

How Do I Know if I’m a Candidate for NeoGraft®?

If you are a balding man or a balding woman, then you know just how much your hair loss affects your self-esteem. Because of this, you owe it to yourself and your sense of comfort with your appearance to treat your hair loss. 

Hair transplantation, whether with NeoGraft® 2.0 or other FUT methods, can help you grow natural and healthy hair in thinning and balding areas of your scalp so that you can smile at your reflection and feel a sense of confidence with the way you look. 

To know which hair restoration treatment is best for you, it is important to schedule a consultation with Dr. Agullo. At your hair restoration consultation, you will be able to discuss your frustrations and goals, and Dr. Agullo will evaluate your scalp to help determine which treatment method is best for your specific condition. 

Would You Like to Learn More?

If you are interested in restoring your hair NeoGraft® 2.0, then call Southwest Plastic Surgery today at 915-590-7900 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you look and feel your very best!

Why Choose Avéli™ for Cellulite Treatment?

2 Minute Read: 

If you are a woman with cellulite, you’re not alone. In fact, most women develop this troublesome fat accumulation and skin dimpling on their thighs and buttocks

Before and after image showing the results of Aveli cellulite treatment.

Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is resistant to diet and exercise, so getting rid of this stubborn and lumpy fat is difficult without a solution that targets the root cause. Thankfully Avéli™ is now here to help.

What’s So Great About Avéli™? 

Avéli™ uses advanced technology that targets the root cause for cellulite and thereby significantly improves the results achievable. This treatment provides the following advantages:

Avéli™ is the newest  treatment on the market, most patients enrolled in a clinical study maintained their results one year after treatment. These participants are still being monitored to gain a better estimate. 

This benchmark qualified Avéli™ to be FDA-cleared for the long-term reduction of cellulite. Of course, maintaining a healthy and stable weight will help your results last.

What Should I Know About Avéli™ Cellulite Treatment?

Targeting the Cause

The Avéli™ treatment is designed to release the bands of connective tissue responsible for producing cellulite and the rippling appearance it creates. 

These collagen-rich fibers are called septa bands, and they bind fat into smaller areas, creating the easy-to-recognize dimpling and bumps of skin known as cellulite.

The Avéli™ Procedure

Before performing this safe and FDA-cleared procedure, a local anesthetic is administered for comfort. Once fully numbed, the provider makes several small incisions and inserts the handheld Avéli™ device under the skin. This allows your provider to sever the septa bands, freeing the trapped fat. 

This process continues until all the accessible bands are released, and fat is redistributed for smoother buttocks and thigh contours. 

Your Avéli™ procedure will last about an hour, depending on the amount of cellulite treated. 

Avéli™ Results

You should see visible results around 30 days after your treatment once the swelling subsides. These results will continue to improve over the next month or two and be long-lasting.

Will Avéli™ Work for You?

Cellulite can be mild, moderate, or severe, with genetics, age, and gender contributing to its extent. 

If you are healthy, at or close to your ideal weight, and have reasonable expectations, you should be a good candidate for Avéli™ cellulite treatment.

Finding Avéli™ Cellulite Treatment in El Paso, TX

Southwest Plastic Surgery in El Paso is proud to be the first and only to offer Avéli™ cellulite treatment. Call Dr. Frank Agullo’s office today at (915) 590-7900 to learn more about Avéli™, the most advanced cellulite treatment available in El Paso, Texas.

How Ultrasound Guidance Is Allowing for a Safer BBL

3 Minute Read: 

There’s hardly been a time when women haven’t desired full, shapely curves. The hourglass figure has long been considered “ideal,” and part of that shape includes a rounded, full, and lifted backside. 

Woman's backside wearing underwear and t-shirt

That said, most women are not blessed with the exact butt contour they want. Often, these women turn to cosmetic enhancement. 

There are many types of butt augmentation, but the most popular is butt enhancement with fat grafting, more commonly known as the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). 

Even with the popularity of this treatment, there is a sad truth that the BBL has a history of safety-related complications. Fortunately, advancements in ultrasound technology are helping this surgery become safer than ever. This technique is known as the Ultra BBL or a #SAFER BBL.

What Is Fat Grafting Butt Augmentation?

The BBL is a fat grafting/fat transfer procedure that uses fat that has been removed from the body via liposuction, often from the abdomen, hips, or thighs, and injects those purified fat calls into various areas of the buttocks. 

The results of this surgery are two-fold. First, you can tone areas of your body with excess, unwanted fat and add volume and lift to your butt using a natural augmenting material. 

Results are natural-looking and long lasting. 

What Makes the Brazilian Butt Lift Dangerous?

All plastic surgery procedures have the possibility of complications, and the BBL is no different. In fact, it has one of the highest complication rates. These risks include infection, fat necrosis (which is when the transferred fat cells do not survive), hematoma, and fat embolism. 

Fat embolism is the most dangerous of these complications, which can lead to serious complications or even death. This occurs when the injected fat enters the bloodstream and travels up to vital organs, such as the heart. This can only happen if the fat is injected into the muscle.

While this is undoubtedly frightening, it is important to note that these complications are very rare when the surgery is performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon skilled in Brazilian Butt Lift procedures like Dr. Frank Agullo at Southwest Plastic Surgery.

Even so, it is still exciting to announce that advancements in BBL techniques have made this surgery even safer. 

Introducing the Ultra BBL

Dr. Agullo is one of only a few plastic surgeons who offer the #SAFER BBL. 

The Ultra BBL uses ultrasound guidance to allow for the exact placement of the fat in the buttocks. This helps prevent the fat from being injected into the muscle, and by ensuring exact placement, this treatment offers safer and more precise results. This is because the ultrasound allows for visual guidance to be absolutely sure that no fat is injected intramuscularly (into the muscle)

Because there is more precision with this technique, the Ultra BBL also tends to result in a lower risk of complications across the board, including bruising, swelling, and nerve damage. 

This technique also allows for the greatest retention of fat cells, meaning the healthiest and longest-lasting results.

Interested in Butt Augmentation With Dr. Agullo in El Paso, TX?

The BBL is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed by Dr. Agullo. He offers several variations, including the traditional BBL, the supercharged BBL, and now the Ultra BBL. 

Schedule a #SAFER BBL consultation today by calling (915) 950-7900 or filling out our online contact form.     

Men, Are You Using BOTOX® to Its Full Potential? How Injectables Help With ED and Sexual Health

3 Minute Read: 

While not every man understands exactly what botulinum toxins are, most are familiar with the name BOTOX®. BOTOX® is synonymous with cosmetic treatments and is the most commonly performed cosmetic treatment every year by far. Most are familiar with this injection as an anti-aging option: a non-surgical treatment that helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and forehead. 

Man sitting on bed in his pajamas

However, that is just one piece of the much larger puzzle that is BOTOX® and other botulinum toxin treatments

Botulinum toxins (BoNT) are not simply reserved to help you look younger. Instead, they have varied applications (including migraine relief, excessive sweating relief, treatment for eye spasms, and more). One of the lesser discussed benefits, however, is treatment for sexual health concerns, including erectile dysfunction. 

How to Use Injectables for Male Enhancement?

While many men feel uncomfortable discussing sexual health concerns like erectile dysfunction, scrotal tightness, or dissatisfaction with penis size, these concerns often weigh heavy on their mind. 

And that makes sense. Sexual health has strong connections to overall health, and whether you struggle getting or maintaining erections, experience pain, or simply feel self-conscious about your appearance, it can negatively impact your health and quality of life.

Fortunately, treatment is easier than you may think. BoNT injections can significantly help with male enhancement. These simple injectable treatments can:

By treating the above concerns, men can improve their self-confidence and help them get more out of life.

How Does BoNT Help ED and Sexual Health Conditions?

Botulinum toxins like BOTOX®, Dysport®, XEOMIN®, and Jeuveau® work by relaxing the muscles. This is exactly what is needed to treat many male sexual health conditions.

Is BoNT the Right Treatment for Your ED?

Complications with erectile dysfunction or any of the above concerns can lead to lasting physical and emotional issues. BoNT injections can help. While BoNT for sexual health treatments are still relatively new (and not yet FDA approved), many men have found significant relief and improvement. 

Contact Southwest Plastic Surgery today to see if this might be the right treatment for you. Call us at (915) 590-7900 or fill out our online contact form


AviClear™: The Newest Advanced Treatment for Your Acne Breakouts

3 Minute Read: 

We are proud to introduce AviClear™ – The latest, most versatile, and effective FDA-approved laser acne treatment available today. 

A young man before and after acne treatment.

If you’ve used Accutane, Isotretinoin, antibiotics, and even other laser procedures to clear up your skin, only to find that the acne returns soon after, you should consider trying AviClear™.

How Is AviClear™ Different Than Other Acne Treatments?

While chemical peels, microneedling, and other laser procedures work to reduce acne by destroying the blemishes and encouraging healthy new skin to form, they ignore the root cause.

CUTERA®, the maker of AviClear™, took a hard look at the limitations and results that laser technology had previously achieved when used to treat acne. They then set out to develop a safer, more effective, and versatile treatment.

Instead of addressing only the effects of acne, AviClear™ uses advanced laser technology to target the sebaceous glands responsible for breakouts, helping to stop the acne cycle from continuing.

Other benefits include:

How AviClear™ Works

With precise targeting, the laser energy produced by AviClear™ is absorbed into the oil-producing glands (to minimize or destroy their ability to secrete) without affecting the surrounding skin.

During an AviClear™ treatment, you can expect gentle warmth and a mild zapping sensation, but the incorporated AviCool™ skin cooling technology prevents any significant discomfort.

This treatment typically requires three half-hour sessions spaced one month apart to achieve ideal results. There is no downtime after your procedure.

Who Should Not Receive AviClear™ Treatment?

Honestly, individuals of any age and skin tone with persistent acne are good candidates for AviClear™ treatment. However, if you are interested in this advanced acne treatment, follow these guidelines:

What is the Data on AviClear™ Results?

AviClear™ was launched in April 2022 and has been clinically proven to reduce the frequency and severity of acne. In clinical trials, 90% of treated patients have maintained results for at least six months. 

Researchers expect the length of time these patients enjoy clearer skin to increase as they are followed.

Physicians, including dermatologists and plastic surgeons, are rapidly switching to AviClear™ to treat acne as patient demand continues to grow. 

Looking for AviClear™ in El Paso, TX?

Dr. Agullo serves communities in and near El Paso, Texas, offering next-level acne treatment with AviClear™ as well as other effective skin and laser treatmentsSchedule an AviClear™ consultation today by calling (915) 950-7900 or contacting us online anytime.    

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Southwest Plastic Surgery
1387 George Dieter
Dr. Bldg C301
El Paso, TX 79936
Tel: (915) 590 7900
Fax: (915) 590 7902
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The MedSpa Southwest Plastic Surgery West
5925 Silver Springs Dr.
Suite C
El Paso, TX 79912
Tel: (915)590-7907
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