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Mommy Wars: The Mommy Makeover Edition

Posted on: March 29, 2017  |   Category: ,,,,,

Today’s mothers are constantly competing with each other. This competition is so pervasive that it has been given a name “Mommy Wars.” Rather than engaging in the damaging effects of the Mommy Wars, you can choose to focus on yourself and your needs. A Mommy Makeover can help you love and appreciate yourself and your beautiful body as a mom.

The Damaging Effects of Mommy Wars

Mommy Wars infiltrate the lives of every type of mother. Working moms and stay-at-home moms argue over daycare and how they’re raising their children. Mothers of all types shame and condemn each other for their choices about hospital vs. home birth, breastfeeding vs. formula feeding, vaccinating your children, what you feed your children, age-appropriate activities and chores, how much “screen time” is acceptable, the cleanliness of your home, the clothes your child wears, how many children you have, and a plethora of other issues. There is even a whole Mommy Wars section on HuffingtonPost.com filled with articles on the subject.

No matter how hard you try, it’s difficult for any mom to avoid getting trapped in the Mommy Wars and hear a thousand reasons about why her parenting style is “wrong.” A clear departure from the bonds of sisterhood common in past generations, too many modern mothers make “war” on each other. This only leads to depression and feelings of constant inadequacy as women feel they can never measure up to others.

Rejecting the Mommy Wars and Focusing on You

It is time to reject the Mommy Wars and focus on yourself. Do you put forth the effort to be a good mother? Are you doing your best? Do you feel good about yourself? Some of these questions may be more difficult to answer than others. Something that may help is considering how you love yourself. Do you take care of your body, mind, and spirit with much-needed rest, relaxation, a healthy diet, and regular exercise? If you are doing all these things but are still struggling to love your body, you may want to consider a Mommy Makeover.

Two Mommy Makeover Before and After Photos

Mommy Makeover Surgery

Women’s bodies are put through the ringer during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Many have permanent abdominal muscle weakness, excess skin, accumulated fat, and breasts that are deflated and saggy. A Mommy Makeover can restore your body to help you look fitter, leaner, and younger. By producing fuller and perkier breasts, a flatter tummy, and reducing excess fat, the Mommy Makeover can help you feel at peace with yourself and help you love the body you have. Your procedure can be completely customized to meet your unique needs, allowing you to achieve the personal self-improvement you seek. The Mommy Makeover gives you an opportunity to focus on yourself, not what other women are doing, and make the best of yourself and your life situation, whatever it may be.

Mommy Makeover surgery can help you love your body and take on motherhood with greater confidence. To learn more, call (915) 590-7900 or complete our online contact form to request your personal consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons.