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How to Prepare for Your Breast Augmentation

Posted on: November 8, 2016  |   Category: ,

woman-holding-her-breastsBreast augmentation can help a woman achieve rounder, firmer, and more attractive breasts. It is a simple outpatient procedure that can provide a patient with a more feminine figure and help her feel confident in her body. Before undergoing breast augmentation, it is important that patients know what lies ahead in the preparation process. Patients who achieve the best results and have the most comfortable surgery process and recovery are adequately prepared.

Although the preparation doesn’t involve a lot of physical effort, it does entail a lot of mental anticipation. The majority of patients have decided on plastic surgery to provide them with a physical transformation of their physique and self-esteem.

Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

Once you have decided that you are ready for breast augmentation, you will need a thorough examination by your plastic surgeon. Any detailed procedural information will be discussed during the initial consultation. It is important that patients take plenty of time during their consultation session to ask all of their questions and address any of their concerns with their doctor.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

  • Am I a good candidate for breast augmentation?
  • What can I do to achieve the best results?
  • Where will my breast augmentation be performed?
  • How is breast augmentation performed?
  • What are the risks associated with my procedure?
  • How long is the recovery after breast augmentation?
  • What can I expect during the recovery process?
  • How will my breast implants look over time? After pregnancy? After breastfeeding?

What You Need to Do Before Your Surgery

Two Weeks Before Surgery

Since breast augmentation requires the use of general anesthesia, it is important that patients are in good health. Your doctor will review your medical history and ask you to get a blood test. Patients who are smokers should refrain from tobacco use for at least two weeks before surgery and two weeks after surgery. Additionally, any herbal supplements, aspirin, or anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided for a few weeks before surgery.

The Day Before Surgery

It is important that patients do not drink or eat anything after midnight the day before their surgery. Patients should not apply any creams, lotions, or makeup to their chest or breast area. Designate a friend or family member to be your care person for the day. They should be available to drive you to and from surgery as well as look after you the first night of your recovery.

Breast augmentation is surgery. It is important that patients want the surgery for themselves, are educated about the procedure, and are realistic about their expectations.

To learn more about preparing for breast augmentation surgery, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons can provide you with additional information.

If you are interested in breast augmentation, schedule your consultation with one of our cosmetic surgeons today! Contact us by calling (915) 590-7900 or by filling out our online contact form.