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Manscaping Using Laser Hair Removal

Posted on: September 30, 2015  |   Category: ,,

Manscaping with Laser Hair RemovalManscaping describes the current trend where men pluck, tweeze, wax, and shave their bodies. The goal of manscaping is to achieve a clean-cut, well-groomed appearance. It is common among men in the business community who pride themselves on their appearance. When the trend first came about, many guys did it in private. Back then, if you were a man, you didn’t admit you manscaped.

However, the growing popularity of manscaping has many men comfortable admitting that they do pluck their brows, shave their arms, and wax their chests and backs. There’s nothing wrong with being a put-together guy who cares about the way others perceive him. However, men are now facing the troubles that women have been dealing with for years.

Problems With Traditional Hair Removal

Traditional hair removal is generally considered tweezing, shaving, and waxing. Men are beginning to realize what women have known all along: these methods can be exasperating. Common drawbacks of traditional hair removal methods include:

  • Time: Many hours are often devoted to ensuring you have a smooth, hair-free body. Sometimes, it just isn’t possible to commit to that time every day or every week.
  • Longevity: It always feels like just hours or days after you shave or wax before the hair grows back and you have to do it yet again.
  • Ingrown hairs: These can be painful, unsightly, and, if not treated properly, they can permanently damage your skin.
  • Long-term cost: This is often overlooked by many people. What’s a couple of dollars for razors here and some more for waxing there? However, over the years, these numbers add up and hurt your wallet.

The Answer Is Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has increased in popularity for women because it painlessly and effectively removes leg and bikini-area hair. It is ideal for medium to large areas of the body that you want to have stay hair free 24/7. For men, laser hair removal can be an effective treatment for hair on the:

  • Arms
  • Chest
  • Legs
  • Back

Laser hair removal treatments gently heat the hair follicle to damage it. Over a series of three to six treatments, the follicle is destroyed, so it no longer produces hair. Treatments last anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes. Other benefits of laser hair removal include:

  • Permanent hair removal
  • Effective treatments
  • Safe procedures
  • No downtime
  • Long-term cost-effectiveness

To see if laser hair removal is right for you, schedule your consultation at Southwest Plastic Surgery today. Call our El Paso, TX office at (915) 590-7900. For your convenience, you may also fill out our online contact form for more information.