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How to Have a Younger Looking Chest

Posted on: February 22, 2016  |   Category: ,,,,

If you enjoy low necklines and cleavage-baring dresses – you understand how important it is to take care of the skin on your chest. After all, this area of sensitive skin can easily become the source of criticism if it isn’t well cared for before you don that plunging neckline.

Before and after photo of an Ultherapy® treatment to the chest or décolletage.

Ulthera® Before and After Photos

Fighting the Signs of Aging and Sun Damage

When it comes to moisturizing masks, sun protection, and age-fighting serums, your face isn’t the only area that needs attention. You should spend just as much time on areas that might not get as much exposure. Namely, your chest.

Your upper chest may be one of the first areas that skin shows signs of sun damage or age – especially if you haven’t been taking care of it. If you aren’t too careful, you might see the impact of age before you even think it’s a possibility. Now is the time to take action!

Thinning Skin is Normal

The skin around women’s chests gets thinner as they age. It also loses elasticity. With sun exposure, we can see the development of age spots, darkening of the skin, and wrinkles. If you smoke or are in the sun more than you ought to be, you’ll see the impact even sooner – especially if you have a fair skin tone. People with darker skin pigments usually see less damage. That’s why it’s so important to use sun protection and skin care products before the problems even start.

But what if you already see damage that can’t be prevented? Some products promise anti-aging properties, but they aren’t as effective on the chest due to the way the skin on the chest differs from the skin on the face. Fortunately, there are still a few other options.

While it’s best to prevent problems before they start, some problems can be addressed after the fact. Even if you cover yourself with clothing, the chest may still develop some symptoms of sun exposure. Here are some other things that you need to keep in mind for caring for the delicate skin on your chest:

  • Vitamin C is great for protecting the skin from signs of premature aging. It can also even out your skin tone and is full of antioxidants. It’s also a collagen booster!
  • Retinol prevents and also decreases existing wrinkles as it boosts collagen for a more even skin tone.
  • Lasers are great for erasing fine lines and dark spots and for creating a smoother skin surface.
  • Ulthera® or Ultherapy® can help tighten the skin of the chest to create smoother and younger skin. Ultherapy® for the chest is one of the most effective treatments available today.
  • In addition to your face, gentle chemical peels can be used on your chest and hands. If you have never had one done, they’re great for decreasing fine lines!

Of course, if you aren’t already using a daily sunscreen or a moisturizer that contains SPF, it’s time to implement it into your routine. When used daily, it’s easier to maintain and prevent additional issues from popping up (or at least delay them.) Take care to use them year-round, even when you’re wearing a sweater during the winter. Your skin will thank you in the spring!

For more information on what type of topical treatment is best for creating healthy, younger-looking skin on your chest, come by one of our El Paso offices for a consultation!

To schedule your consultation at Southwest Plastic Surgery, please call our El Paso, TX office at (915) 590-7900, or fill out our online contact form for more information.